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A Mad Tea-Party es el octavo episodio de la primera temporada de Batwoman. Emitido el 1 de diciembre de 2019 en The CW.


Kate y Alice continúan su baile de hermanas/enemigas, mientras Alice y Ratón construyen su mayor plan malvado hasta la fecha. Mary invita a Kate a un evento especial en honor a CatherineJacob toma una decisión que deja perpleja a Kate.


Primera Temporada de Batwoman

"Pilot" "The Rabbit Hole" "Down Down Down" "Who Are You?" "Mine Is a Long And Sad Tale" "I'll Be Judge, I'll Be Jury" "Tell Me the Truth" "A Mad Tea-Party" "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two" "How Queer Everything Is Today!" "An Un-Birthday Present" "Take Your Choice" "Drink Me" "Grinning From Ear to Ear" "Off With Her Head" "Through the Looking-Glass" "A Narrow Escape" "If You Believe In Me, I'll Believe In You" "A Secret Kept From All the Rest" "O, Mouse!"

Temporada 2 »