Xandermcc wrote:
Well not only did they conveniently discover these pits long after Laurel's death. They also probably want to keep her dead now.
True but you never know with Nyssa. we know she destroyed the first pit after resurrecting Sara because she didn't like how she came out of it and with Laurel she might feel the same way but she's going to destroy it anyways so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands and they might as well use it to their advantage before hand. Look I'll be honest much like Sara having closure with her using the spear in Aruba I kind of feel like I have made my peace and she's gone and there's just no coming back to her but now that we know that there are more pits out there perhaps they should just do it and resurrect her and besides since her death, Sara tried to make it her mission to save her from death after she helped resurrected her from the dead. I think the team and Sara should return the favour.