How did thawne change the timeline without it being a reverse flashpoint because if it Was a reverse flashpoint then thawne would’ve started losing his memories just like Barry did in flashpoint
How did thawne change the timeline without it being a reverse flashpoint because if it Was a reverse flashpoint then thawne would’ve started losing his memories just like Barry did in flashpoint
The thing I don't get is how he himself is a paradox. Like he's from the same time as Booster Gold and even though he's a jerk at times he's still a hero... Eobard on the other hand worshipped Flash and wanted to be like him until he saw that his fate was to be his greatest enemy.
Had he not seen this fiery fate... do you think his destiny would've changed towards his desires?
That'd make an interesting story: The Desirable Destiny and the Fiery Fate.
People aim to mark their own destiny only to find themselves end up at their fates.
But he went back in time to alter his appearance as Barry's mentor. In which Team Flash would find out and beat him.
He's died like 2 times that I can think of atm but the one in Legends where he was a guard was good I think.
All the others are evil except for the one that was there with Fast Track.
Who shared her powers until the real Thawne killed him or resurrected himself.
Eobard isn't the same person as Booster just because they were around the same period of time. Which isn't even true ever since Eobard changed the timeline.
Eobard's anger of what time had in store for him was what caused him to turn. Not death.
As for the original question, he manipulated this timeline. Unlike Flashpoint, where Barry didn't ensure he'd still get speed in the first place, he changed his own life to where he'd never be The Flash and as a result, that would be the end consequence. While Thawne explains in the multi-parter that he made sure the Speed Force would choose him in this timeline rather than Barry. Ensuring he'd be protected.
What do you think?