Yeah? That's a pretty basic declaration. Especially for this character.
Literally the only similarity was in the same sets and in Clark having two kids. Both of which was done by the Arrowverse before this series. So no, they weren't capturing the "vibe/feeling" of Smallville. They were capturing the feeling and story of Superman.
Eobard isn't the same person as Booster just because they were around the same period of time. Which isn't even true ever since Eobard changed the timeline.
Eobard's anger of what time had in store for him was what caused him to turn. Not death.
As for the original question, he manipulated this timeline. Unlike Flashpoint, where Barry didn't ensure he'd still get speed in the first place, he changed his own life to where he'd never be The Flash and as a result, that would be the end consequence. While Thawne explains in the multi-parter that he made sure the Speed Force would choose him in this timeline rather than Barry. Ensuring he'd be protected.
The same heat applications of color change go for radiation which is what heat vision is actually made of.
He didn't.
Smallville is not in the same continuity of either show. Superman & Lois literally starts off with his origin.
Not really, no. There was never any point in the show for this angle at all beyond Red-K.
I feel even with Colton Haynes having both personal problems at the time and unavailability, they could've for sure done better here. Mostly cause they were randomly inserting him into the storylines of the day like with Calculator rather than giving him his own as well as some repeat arcs. Though some moments of pure badassness like in Season 7.
It was mostly when they could use him and when they did, he had some pretty important episodes everytime. Granted, the move to Legends was mostly him as an extra beyond his surprisingly great relationship with Rip, but that's the only point I felt his story was "wasted" really.
Considering the whole point was that it was the DNA of reptiles and we are not really the top traits of the wild at all, no, not much of a point to this.
Like I said, Adam didn't report the High Republic books. They've been around years before this era was ever on his radar.
Yeah. Which already leaves realism before the super soldier formula. As I said, Australian Intelligence is the most paramount label in this universe.
Wild Dog was literally created in the comics under that exact premise.
Yeah, it's for sure Agent Liberty.
Sorry, but Aussie Intelligence is where they deviated for Slade before we even get to the super soldier serum buried in the North China Sea.
They were out years before the show.
It was bringing the High Republic era to live action that took forever. Not the other way around.
There would be, yes.
Because the High Republic has been a major new addition to this universe before this one series brought it to live action. Which outnumbers a bunch of review bombs in being a new staple to this universe.
Only the former is true and it was reported long before Adam got to it.
Quite the opposite in the latter's case.
Just like the idea that Smallville started DCTV, Talkville did not start podcast popularity either.
Already some are being interviewed on similar programs so close after the show's run though. So no, not yet. Talkville was done after the show's officially been off the air for around 15 years.
Basically time doesn't matter to me when I have Cobalt Blue's level of control. With the Spectre, you seem like a god, but you do have limits.
Proving my exact point. Local times to the shows futures.
Again, it was never about Oliver.
And it wasn't just about DeVoe, but that at least was somewhat related.