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Aariz Mousa (born 1989)[1] is a reporter of Central City Citizen Media and a former soldier of the U.S. Army.


Early life[]

Aariz was born in 1989.[1]

At some point in his adulthood, Aariz was a war corespondent in Beirut.[1] He also served in the U.S. Army in Afghanistan, where he sometimes helped write obituaries for soldiers who died on classified missions or had no family. If Aariz did not have the complete details, he would find other ways to honor the soldiers' memories.[2]

Working for Central City Citizen Media[]

At some point in 2021, Aariz was employed by Central City Citizen Media.

When Allegra Garcia asked Aariz and the other reporters at CC Citizen Media to cover the Royal Flush Gang's break-in at Mercury Labs, they all deemed it not important enough to cover and that it wasn't what Iris West-Allen would want. Later, Allegra gave Aariz and the other reporters a speech about how their writing is too objective and that they should write for every citizen of Central City which, according to Iris, inspired them to write quality work.[1]

Iris later asked Aariz to write an obituary for Frost, which he accepted, noting that it was admirable how Frost handled the charges made against her. When Carla Tannhauser read the obituary, she said that it was accurate and detailed, but it was written by a person who did not know Frost personally.[2]

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The Flash[]


