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An unnamed man, (died March 11, 2019)[1] known to the inhabitants of Freeland as Cape Guy, was a meta-human affected by Green Light before being shot by the police.


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Powers and abilities[]


  • Meta-human physiology: Through the use of Green Light, Cape Guy's DNA was altered and his cells supercharged, turning him into a meta-human and thereby allowing him to access his powers.[1]
    • Magnetokinesis: Cape Guy has the ability to control metal as shown as he levitated all the scraps of metal he was forming into a cyclone.[1]


Black Lightning[]

Season 2[]

Behind the scenes[]

  • While this man does not have an actual counterpart in the DC comics, there is a character by the name of Herschel Dockles, also known as Cape-man. He was a mailman who donned a Superman costume that handled criminals that disrupted mailmen routes, having fought alongside Captain Marvel to defeat a group of diamond thieves, only to end his superhero career shortly after. 

