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The Cartwright family were prominent residents of Gotham City, on both Earths 1 and Prime.


In 1943, Mabel Cartwright was born to unknown parents. When she was young, she met and married an unnamed man in Gotham City. Soon after, they had a son named August, who Mabel had a mediocre relationship through all his life.[1]

August grew up to become a doctor in Gotham.[2] He had a son named Jonathan who, when he was little, had an accident involving fire that left the left side of his face hideously disfigured, causing people to call him a "monster", isolating him and forcing him to stay always alone without any friends.[3][4]

August watches Beth and Johnny getting acquainted

August watches Beth and Johnny getting acquainted.

In 2003, August found Beth Kane, who had suffered an accident and lost her mother. August then took her to his house to be friends with Jonathan and help him 'fix' his face.[4] After a while, Beth lost her sanity and called herself Alice and nicknamed Jonathan as Mouse.[5]

Mabel Cartwright is burnt to death

Mabel is burnt to death.

Sometime after 2004, Mabel developed a respiratory illness and moved in with her son. She treated Alice as her maid and mistreated her.

In 2013, after years of tortures and abuse from her, Alice burned Mabel alive using her oxygen tank as a makeshift flamethrower.[1] A few months later, Alice finally escaped from August under unknown circumstances that led to her and Mouse believing August was killed in the process.[6] She remained deeply close to Mouse.[7]

Ethan Campbell

August as Ethan Campbell.

Later, August had mysteriously disappeared, and even the Crows' investigation were not useful to find him.[2] August started to work as plastic surgeon in Gotham under the identity of Ethan Campbell, a well-known and respected doctor and philanthropist.[6][7]

In 2014, Mouse was captured and sent to Arkham Asylum for unknown reasons.[8] During this time he was used as a guinea pig by Dr. Butler to perform some experiments with the Fear Toxin.[9]

In 2018, he managed to escape during the outbreak caused by John Deegan.[10] Mouse and Alice met and formed the Wonderland gang. They began a reign of terror in Gotham, making Batwoman and the Crows their enemies.[11][8]

August kidnaps his son

Mouse is kidnapped by August.

After the crisis in 2020, Mouse was injured and arrested.[5] He was sent to a hospital where August found him and captured him. Angered, Mouse replied that the most cruel thing in his life was him, to which his father responded that soon he would have been able to see the truth, right before hooking him up to a canister of Fear Toxin.[6][12]

Some time later, August (as Ethan Campbell) was discovered and captured by Alice.[12] She handed it over to Kate/Batwoman. When she questioned him about the death of Alice's doppelganger, he reminded her that he couldn't have known she wasn't her as that woman was identical to Alice and even had the same necklace that matched her mother's earrings. Kate asked what was he talking about and he replied that he was referring to the earrings Mabel wanted so much and caused all those troubles, then revealing Kate about her mother's severed head that he kept in a locked fridge in his cabin. Out of herself for anger, Kate strangled August to death.[1]

August Cartwright dies

August dies.

Some time later, Mouse and Beth were arrested and sent to Arkham.[9] Mouse stabbed Dr. Butler in the chest, killed him, and took his place.[13] They joined Tommy Elliot/Hush and managed to escape again.[14][3] Afterwards, Alice and Mouse rip their Alice in Wonderland book and light it on fire, since that was the item that anchored them to their trauma. Eventually, blood started to come from Mouse's nose, as Alice told him that he left her no choice because she wasn't about to let him leave her; Mouse realized he had been poisoned by Alice. He died seconds later on Alice's lap.[8]

Mouse dies

Mouse dies.

Known family members

