Arrowverse Wiki

Channel 52 is a television station broadcasting in Star City and Central City on Earth-1.



Channel 52 reported on the construction of the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator and the return of Oliver Queen after his disappearance in the wake of the Undertaking.[1]

Channel 52 reported on the arrest of China White, praising the SCPD for the efforts. That same night, the news station held an interview with Sebastian Blood.[2]

Channel 52 also reported the kidnapping of Quentin and Laurel Lance by the Dollmaker.[3]

Later, Channel 52 reported on the Glades shooting on the Cash for Guns Event by the crime lord known as the Mayor.[4]

During the Moira Queen trial, the Count attempted to hold the city hostage for vertigo, leading to Channel 52 reporting on both events.[5]

Channel 52 spoke to Harrison Wells at S.T.A.R. Labs about the particle accelerator.[6]

After the particle accelerator exploded and irradiated half of Central City, Channel 52 reported on the aftermath.[7]

Channel 52 reported on the campaigns of both Sebastian Blood and Moira Queen.[citation needed]

Channel 52 reported other stories that year, including the Clock King attacks, the Khadeer estate attacks, and the destruction of Queen Consolidated Applied Science Division. Channel 52 also reported the events of the Siege.[8]


Channel 52 reported on the speech by Quentin Lance in the Courthouse Plaza.[9]

Channel 52 reported on "the Burning Man" injuring a physicist at Concordance Research.[10]

Channel 52 reported on the attack on the Glades by Danny Brickwell and the efforts of resistance by Arsenal and the Black Canary.[11]

Channel 52 reported on numerous other stories, such as the escape of Werner Zytle and the disappearance of Mason Bridge.[12]

When Starling City turned against the Arrow, Channel 52 reported on developments.[13]

During the events of the Outbreak, Channel 52 reported on the events.[14]


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After Barry Allen traveled back in time and saved his mother from Reverse-Flash, the timeline was ruptured resulting in Flashpoint.

Channel 52 reported the fight between the Flash and Rival in Central City.[15]

Channel 52 reported negatively on Oliver Queen as Mayor of Star City.[16]

Channel 52 received a photo from an anonymous source of Oliver Queen dressed as the Green Arrow.[17] However, this was soon debunked as a doctored photo.[18]

Emily Pollard sat down with Jane Woods to discuss the anti-vigilante referendum. The interview was interrupted as the power went out due to Vigilante's presence, intending to kill Pollard.[19]


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During Oliver Queen's trial, Channel 52 interviewed Quentin Lance.[20]

Channel 52 reported on the attack on Star City by Grant Wilson and the Deathstroke gang.[21]

Known employees[]

Current employees[]



Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

Season 8

The Flash[]

DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]


The Flash: Season Zero[]


  • As of late 2017, 568 people are employed by Channel 52.[18]

Behind the scenes[]

  • In the DC comics, Channel 52 is a news station that keeps viewers (as well as the reader) up to date with big events in the DC universe. The anchors consist of famous characters in the comics; Bethany Snow, Ambush Bug, Vartox and Calendar Man.

