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Curtis Holt is an employee of Palmer Technologies who works in the Design Innovations department.


Curtis created an algorithm to argue for company-wide pay rises, only for Mr. Dennis to intervene and ask him to use it to determine who to fire. After Felicity Smoak returned to Star City, he appeared at a board meeting to introduce himself and present her with the list of people. She called him back to her office some time later, but he accidentally arrived late. She began to get angry at him, but he explained his original intentions. As they were talking, Karla Groves walked in. Felicity was forced to fire her, which she was able to infer straight away. Days later, Curtis ran in to Felicity again in her office. He reminded her that the list of names was double-sided, and she realized that Curtis' was on the flipside. He realized this and acknowledged that it was okay, as it was his own fault, not to mention it gave him time to holiday with his husband. However, eventually Felicity re-hired him, along with the several people she had to fire, claiming that he had a revolutionary idea for the "technology of tomorrow", and would require all of the necessary manpower.[1]

While working on his project, Felicity walked in and Curtis showed discomfort. After showing Felicity a few things that he has been working on, Felicity asks Curtis to scan a playing card, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Curtis notices some strange things about it and Felicity says she gambles, saying she thinks her opponent cheated. She leaves Curtis begins test on the card. After Curtis finishes the tests Felicity visits him and he offers to look at her phone. After making comments about her name, he presents her with what he found out about the playing card. He reveals that it is not a playing card as it contains proteins and receptors. Curtis says that although they can track him, their ‘poker player’ can track them faster. As they attempt to leave, they get stopped by Jeremy, saying he will kill the one who says where they can find the Green Arrow. Fecility says to run, while doing so, Curtis knocks down a shelf and requests to be told what’s happening. They go into a secret elevator into the Arrowcave, and grab guns to ward him off. While Felicity is firing a rifle, Curtis tries to crawl away but Jeremy throws a card and knocks a light onto his head. Felicity then gets him and admits him to Starling General Hospital. [2]

Powers and Abilities

  • Adept Mechanic: Curtis Holt is an accomplished mechanic able to invent new forms of technology, such as the spherical communication device and contact lenses with HP displace.
  • Adept in Computer Science: Curtis is also versed in the field of computer science, having created an algorithm which would improve Palmer Technologies efficiency by calculating the necessary number of lay offs needed to balance the companies budget. He also deciphered Ray Palmer's message hidden in the form of computer static.
  • Olympic level physical condition: Curtis mentioned that he was a bronze medal Olympic athlete and a participant in the Beijing decathlon.



Season 4

Behind the Scenes

  • In the DC Comics, the character is named Michael Holt, better known as the legacy hero, Mister Terrific.
    • This has been further shown through the appearance of a T-Sphere in "Restoration", as they are the character's signature weapons.
    • In the episode "Haunted", Curtis picks up a gym bag with the initials "F" and "P", which stand for "Fair Play", the phrase used by the Mister Terrific on his costume.
  • The character has a running joke in which he corrects Felicity Smoke for her grammar mistakes.

