Arrowverse Wiki
For other characters with the same first name, see Dinah.

"I don't want a normal life. I want my life. I've spent the last 15 years hating myself because I was different. I'm done with that. I am what I am, and I'm never going to be ashamed of it again."
—Dinah Redmond to Helena Kyle[src]

Dinah Redmond[1] (born Dinah Lance) is a meta-human and the daughter of the late Carolyn Lance, the original Black Canary. She is also a student of New Gotham High School and a member of the Birds of Prey.


Early life[]

Dinah was born to Carolyn Lance and an unknown father.

One night, as Dinah slept, someone placed C-4 explosive under her bed; if Carolyn had not checked on Dinah, she would have died. Since Carolyn didn't want to put her daughter in any further danger when she didn't display any apparent meta-human powers, Dinah was given up for adoption at the age of six,[2] changing her name to Dinah Redmond.[1]

One night when she was young, Dinah began having dreams of Selina Kyle dying and Barbara Gordon being shot by the Joker, having developed precognitive abilities.[3] When Dinah's adoptive parents discovered her powers, they abused her so she wouldn't use them. This led Dinah to running away from home and even lying to others about her parentage to prevent herself from being brought back to the Redmonds.[2]

Chasing her dreams[]

Several years later, Dinah rode on a bus to New Gotham City. While on the bus, she made friends with Jerry, who promised to reconnect with her when they made it to the city. When she arrived, Dinah witnessed the death of a man, who'd suddenly run in front of a bus. She rushed to the man, who grabbed her hand, witnessing a dream-like state in which rats ran towards him. Later, she talked to police officers, withholding that she'd seen rats, but urging them that it was not a suicide. She left to go meet Jerry at a party, finding him down a dark alleyway, but he revealed his predatory intentions and began chasing Dinah down the street. The two were stopped by the Huntress, who beat Jerry around, before he fled. Dinah thanked the vigilante, touching her arm and seeing her lair, as well as its passcode. The Huntress urged her to go find a nearby shelter, before fleeing.

Dinah followed the Huntress home, using the passcode she'd seen to enter, only to be knocked out. When she awakened, Dinah explained her tactile telepathy, and so Barbara ran tests, confirming this. Wishing to stay and help them, Barbara allowed Dinah to stay the night. Dinah awakened the following morning to find herself presented some clothes by Alfred Pennyworth. She went to take a shower, returning to find Barbara working on the case of the man that she'd seen die, explaining that she knew it wasn't a suicide, as the police had been assuming. Dinah also mentioned "Phoenix", which the man had managed to get out before he died. They tracked it down to mean Phoenix Industries, Inc., finding the murderer's next two potential victims. However, by the time Helena got to the first one, he had already been killed.

Dinah, Helena and Barbara leave Larry Ketterly's dream world

Leaving Helena's mindscape

Sending Helena off to the last potential victim, Larry Ketterly, Dinah was sent to investigate the dockyards, during which she wore glasses that transmitted 3D images to Barbara. While there, Barbara explained the significance of the place, it having been the site of her last mission with Batman before her paralysis. They suddenly realized that Ketterly was the murderer, and the two women raced to save Helena. Getting there in time, Dinah used her powers to enter into the dream world Helena had been placed into. Barbara talked her down from stabbing herself, before Helena killed Ketterly in the dream. They exited the dream world, before returning to the lair. Dinah practiced throwing discs, but she was terrible at it.[3]

Bird of Prey[]

She continued practicing, but used automatic weapons rather than manual Batarangs given to her by Barbara. Due to this, she misjudged a throw and broke some glass, getting scolded by Barbara. She then suggested an outfit for her first day at school, being shot down by Helena. Barbara inquired about personal documents, including her birth certificate, but Dinah claimed everything had been burnt in a fire, even her school documents. Later that day, Dinah tried on one of Helena's sweaters. This angered Helena, as it was her favorite, causing Barbara to jump between the two and calm them down. While Barbara took Helena for a walk, the DELPHI Protocol alarm went off, leading Dinah to haphazardly contact Barbara. She returned, explaining the database to Dinah, before having a look at the data of the recent murder of police officer Jack Barnstone. That night, Dinah urged Barbara to go on her date, but not before realizing she'd been using her wheelchair hands-free, with Barbara explaining she'd been tinkering with the mechanics. With no supervision, Dinah went to find Helena at her work, getting past the bouncers by claiming to be her sister. She attempted to connect with Helena, but she adamantly refused. DELPHI went off again, and so the team convened back at the clocktower. Another murder had occurred, Grace Tanner, and by putting together the pieces, they were able to determine the killer's next victim, Jesse Reese. During this time, Dinah confided in Alfred that she didn't believe Helena to like her at all, but Alfred on the contrary believed that the ability to piss someone off was directly proportionate to how much they liked you. Shortly following, after Helena went after Slick, Dinah joined to help, incapacitating a thug and enabling Huntress to destroy Slick. Helena thanked Dinah, warming to her. When they returned home, Dinah opened up about who she was, expressing how she finally felt at home for the first time in her life. Accepting her, Barbara however did express how she was definitely grounded for her actions. Helena and Dinah then left to find dinner made by Alfred.[1]

The team conferred over an acid-spitting meta-human who'd been killed by the same acid he spat. Barbara sent Helena to No Man's Land Collectables, peaking Dinah's interest, but she was disallowed from going due to it being a school night. The following morning, Dinah headed to her first day of school. She introduced herself during a science lesson, giving a bit about her background, but ultimately making no friends. At lunch, with no one to sit with, she decided to skip school and head to No Man's Land. She was met at the entrance by Helena, who told her off for truanting, expressing how every new kid felt left out, not just her. That night she headed back to No Man's Land, this time meeting the owner Gibson, who welcomed her. She was soon caught by Barbara, who stayed for a drink. They were interrupted by Helena over comms, who'd found the meta-human they'd been after, Claude Morton. Being overwhelmed by his power duplication abilities, Dinah and a number of meta-humans from the bar headed to find him, their combined powers overwhelming Morton's senses, causing him to willingly jump to his death. The Birds of Prey headed back to their clocktower, discussing recent events, Barbara telling Dinah how her date had gone horribly with Wade's parents, before they decided to head back to No Man's Land.[4]

The Birds of Prey look after a baby

Dinah baby-sits Guy.

After saving a baby on a mission, Helena brought him back to the clocktower, where the three women examined him. Dinah suggested they name him "Guy", and decided to look after him for at least a period of time. As Helena went to get diapers, Dinah and Barbara found themselves dealing with a handful, with Dinah attempting to make him some food. Quickly discovering that Guy had accelerated aging, Dinah made him some macaroni and cheese. Initially trying to determined what had happened, Dinah hypothesized that he was an alien or android, but Helena shot her down. Barbara quickly figured out that he was powered, and also that it was somehow linked to Simcron Labs. While the others called Simcron to set up a meeting, Dinah read Guy a book, during which he expressed the wish to have a birthday. Dinah accompanied Barbara into Simcron, but they quickly realized that it was a trap when she shook Dr. Lewis Melfin's hand, seeing him load a gun. Before they could be shot, Helena joined them, helping to fight off the thugs. Guy, who had been told to wait in the car, also joined, accidentally killing Dr. Melfin. That night, Guy aged even more and began to realize that he was different, yelling at Helena and storming off. Dinah offered to help, following Guy to Club Slippery and empathizing with his situation. A man promptly hit on Dinah, but she brushed off his advances. When he persisted, Guy intervened, leading to a massive brawl that caused the club to catch on fire. Fleeing the scene, Helena eventually brought Guy back to the clocktower, where he aged significantly more. They presented him with a candle in a cupcake to celebrate his birthday, as he'd wished. He began to age even more, before passing away. As usual, the women congregated on top of the clocktower, and Barbara opened up about how there'd apparently been a woman at the club, whom she believed to be the same person they'd continually come up against. Helena then presented a candled cupcake in memory of Guy.[5]

Losing her mother and gaining new powers[]

"This is the job, Dinah. Right here. This is the job."
Barbara Gordon[src]

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Dinah had continued practicing, this time with combat training with Helena. However, in her frustration, Dinah launched a reckless tackle at Helena. She stopped the trainee, but Dinah had then discovered a new meta-human power in telekinesis which allows her to gain the upper hand by launching nunchucks into the air and towards Helena's leg, injuring her briefly. They both realized this new development and went to Barbara with it when they encountered Dinah's mother Carolyn. Dinah then found out that her mom was the Black Canary. She resented this when connecting it with her previous childhood trauma, growing increasingly distant. She then left enraged, and told the team she was going to hang out with Gabby that night.

Helena, Carolyn, Barbara and Dinah look at the computer screen

Dinah and the others realize Al Hawke is after Carolyn.

She later returned, but before she could ask Carolyn about something, the DELPHI system went off, alerting Barbara and the others of legendary mobster Al Hawke’s return. Carolyn immediately is set on packing her and her daughter's bags to leave the city, but Dinah protests, saying she can handle it. After trying to get Oracle to agree with her on this matter, Dinah leaves the Clocktower. She traveled to No Man's Land Collectables to hide from her mother, only to find Gibson there at the bar. Gibson gave her a soda and regaled her with stories of Carolyn's time as the Black Canary. The stories reminded Dinah of what she never had in her childhood. It caused her to use her telekinesis in anger on the soda Gibson prepared, spilling it. Carolyn then arrived at No Man's Land to apologize, and to tell the story of why she was given up to the Redmonds. She told her that when Dinah was young, someone after Carolyn had placed a C4 explosive under Dinah's bed timed to go off an hour later. She wanted Dinah to be safe after that moment and to prove the truth of her confession, she held out her hand so that Dinah could use her powers to find out the truth, but she left abruptly.

She returned to the Clocktower to find that her mother went missing, and she sought help now to find her. Oracle told her to keep a clear head and calmed her down as they prepared to rescue Carolyn. When Helena found the location where Carolyn was being held, Dinah went along with her with full contact to Oracle from her earpiece. She took down Hawke with a surprise attack, only to discover that Carolyn was trapped in a machine preventing her escape. She tried to stop it from moving, but she found it had been tampered with. After some struggling with the device that has still continued constricting her mother, Dinah was then ambushed by Hawke who wished to kill her to make Carolyn's suffering worse. However, Dinah once again used her telekinesis, this time in order to remove the power inhibiting collar on the Black Canary's neck and allowing her to use the Canary Cry to save both herself and her daughter. Hawke proceeded to retaliate by shooting at Helena and Dinah, but Carolyn bought them time to get away using her cry. However, because of the gun shots, explosive chemicals end up blowing up the warehouse with both Hawke and Carolyn inside, leaving Dinah to witness her mother's death outside. Helena and Barbara later helped Dinah grieve back at the Clocktower.[2]

Powers and abilities[]


"In most people, less than 5% of their neural cells are active. Your cerebral-cortex activity is... over 50%."
Barbara Gordon to Dinah Redmond[src]


"You're ready for this Dinah. You're prepared, you trained hard. You know how to do the job. Believe it."
—Barbara Gordon to Dinah Redmond[src]
  • Peak of human physical condition: As a vigilante, Dinah is in top physical condition.[6]
  • Expert hand-to-hand combatant/Martial artist: Dinah is a highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant and martial artist.[6]


Birds of Prey[]


Promotional images[]

Birds of Prey[]

Behind the scenes[]

  • In the original comics, Dinah Laurel Lance is the daughter of Dinah Drake Lance, the original Black Canary. However, she has the same powers as her mother instead of telepathic abilities.
    • According to the creators, had Birds of Prey been allowed to continue, Dinah would've been shown gaining the sonic scream powers of her comics counterpart and succeeding her mother as Black Canary.
  • Jennifer Cobb was a stunt double for Rachel Skarsten in the role of Dinah Redmond.

