Arrowverse Wiki
Arrowverse Wiki

Earth was a planet of Earth-15. The planet became known as a "dead Earth" following an event in 1986, and radioactive fallout was teleported there in 2018,[1] but any remains of the planet were destroyed during the Anti-Monitor Crisis.[2]


In 1986, an unspecified event resulted in the planet being made into a wasteland and becoming known as a "dead Earth".[3]

A breach to Earth-15.

In 2018, radioactive material from the meta-human 'Fallout' was teleported there.[1]

Multiverse map

Earth-15 on the multiverse map.[2]

During the Anti-Monitor Crisis, any remains of the planet were destroyed by a wave of antimatter.[4]


The Flash[]

Season 4[]

Season 5[]

Season 6[]

