Earth was a planet of Earth-X that was controlled by the Nazis for a significant period following their victory during World War II until their defeat by the Freedom Fighters. The planet was destroyed during the Anti-Monitor Crisis.[1][2]
It's an Earth that had very much the same history as Earth-1, except for one difference, the Nazi's had a decisive victory during the Second World War, leaving New York, London, Moscow, and Paris in ruins after the Nazi's launched multiple nuclear warheads onto the cities. Adolf Hitler became supreme overlord of Earth as the Fuhrer of the New Reich. He would rule until his death in 1994. But by his death, the planet was ruled by bigotry and hate, murdering anyone who was "undesirable" and indoctrinating the children in military youth groups.
An alien known as Kara crash landed on Earth and was adopted by a Nazi family. Over the years, she was indoctrinated into their corrupt culture, making her into the most deadly of all the New Reich's soldiers. However, because of her Perfect Aryan traits, being white, blonde, and blue eyes, she quickly rose in the ranks. She would catch the eye of the new Führer Oliver and would marry him and become General of all his armies. Along with Tommy Merlyn/Prometheus, Black Arrow and Earth-1's evil speedster from the future, Eobard Thawne as another general, they were an evil unstoppable trio that the Freedom Fighters had to contend with. They seemed unbeatable.
But then hope came from Earth-1 and Earth-38 as Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Alex Danvers and some members of the Legends came to that Earth in order to put an end to the threat. They succeeded with the help of the Earth-X Freedom Fighters - including Ray Terrill and Leo Snart, but only with the death of Martin Stein and massive collateral damage in Central City. However, after the final Führer Oliver and General Kara died in battle on Earth-1 and Eobard abandoned them, Earth-X was free. A while after the battle, Team Flash (working with Leo Snart) had to deal with one last New Reichsmen, a deadly meta-human known as Siren-X. She escaped to Earth-1's Central City and nearly destroyed the city, but Leo Snart, a member of the Freedom Fighters with Team Flash's assist stopped her and brought in the last of the New Reich's soldiers, leaving the Nazis of Earth-X disbanded and Earth-X a free Earth, thereby restoring the Earth to its Pre-World War II state.
Known locations[]
- Europe (continent)
- United States (country; liberated)
- Central City (city; destroyed)
- S.T.A.R. Labs (building; destroyed)
- New York (city; destroyed/last seen in 1945)
- Oklahoma (state; name seen on Route 66)
- Tulsa (city; destroyed by the Nazis)
- Unnamed Tulsa building (building; destroyed)
- Tulsa (city; destroyed by the Nazis)
- Star City (city; destroyed by antimatter)
- Central City (city; destroyed)
Notable individuals[]
From Krypton[]
- Kara/Overgirl (became resident; deceased)
From Earth-1[]
- Barry Allen/The Flash
- Cisco Ramon/Vibe
- Jefferson Jackson
- Martin Stein (deceased)
- Sara Lance
- Lyla Michaels
- Oliver Queen (deceased)
- Ray Terrill/The Ray
- Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash
From Earth-38[]
Season 1[]
- "Worlds Finest" (indirectly mentioned)
Season 3[]
Season 5[]
Season 6[]
The Flash[]
Season 4[]
Season 5[]
- "Nora" (indirectly mentioned)
DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]
Season 3[]
- "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 4"
- "Beebo the God of War" (mentioned)
- "Daddy Darhkest" (mentioned)
Season 1[]
- "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two" (mentioned)
Freedom Fighters: The Ray[]
Season 1
Season 2 |
Crisis on Infinite Earths Giant[]
The Chronicles of Cisco[]
- Post 79 "#BestListenerEver" (mentioned)
- The Earth of Earth-X was nicknamed "Planet Nazi" by Mick Rory and "Nazi Earth" by Cisco Ramon and Ray Terrill respectively.
- In the comics, the earth numbered Earth-X was one of the five surviving Earths that merged with the others (1, 2, 4 and S) and became the new Earth in the original Crisis on Infinite Earths event.
Other versions of Earth (Earth-X) | ||||
To see other versions of this location, click the Earth name below for that Earth's counterpart of Earth. | ||||
New multiverse | ||||
Earth: Prime • 2 • 9 • 12 • 4125 • TUD25 • Obsidian Platinum • Mirrorverse • Inverse World | ||||
Original multiverse | ||||
Earth: 1 • 2 • 3 • 9 • 12 • 13 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 22 • 38 • 47 • 66 • 75 • 89 • 90 • 96 • 99 • 203 • 221 • 666 • 1938 • D • F • N52 • X • TUD5 • TUD22 | ||||
Transmultiversal multiverse | ||||
Earth: 1A |