Arrowverse Wiki
Arrowverse Wiki

"Mister Quinn, I just spoken to Washington, I have orders to confiscate your credential and your weapon"
—Edwards to Quinn[src]

Edwards is an F.B.I. agent and the former partner of Quinn assigned to the operation of S.T.A.R. Labs quarantine.[1]


In 1990, Edwards and his partner Quinn were placed in charge of the operation regarding S.T.A.R. Labs quarantine. Due to Barry Allen interference with the operation, she was ordered by Quinn to arrest him. Later, she would warn Quinn after Dr. Cartwright interrogation that the action he was envisaging could lead to the two women's death, but he did not care. Some times later, after the battle with the Flash and the invisible killer, they went to Brian Gideon's house to arrest him but failed. Later again, she confirmed to Quinn that they had lost track of Gideon and warned him again that there were fifty percent of chance that their action could cause the inside of S.T.A.R. Labs to incinerate killing the two women, but Quinn accepted those lost. Later, she received a call from Washington that ordered her to put Quinn on suspension for his action and when Barry Allen arrived with the broken device that can turn someone invisible, she laughed at Quinn's face.[1]


The Flash[]

