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Elle Scantlin (born 1991 or 1992) is a woman who attended the opening of the Hold Up.


Early life

Elle was born in 1991 or 1992 in Gotham City and raised in a wealthy family that used to hire Crows Security when she was a little girl (about 12 or 13 given the time the Crows were founded[1]), with one of their agent being specifically charged to protecting her and accompanying her at school every day. Growing up however she start to despise the Crows as a symbol of oppression.[2]

Elle seemingly has been a rebellious teen, committing some minor crimes that remained on her criminal record, however she later became a responsible adult and started work as a veterinarian.[2]

Hold Up opening

In 2020 she attended the opening of the Hold Up, where she met and hitted on Sophie Moore whom, after some hesitation, started to flirt back with her. Jealous of it, and suspecting Elle to be Nocturna, Kate approached them both with the excuse of offering them a drink and then intentionally cut her finger with a knife to see her reaction, however Elle almost fainted from her fear of blood.[2]



Season 1


  • Elle is a huge fan of Batwoman.[2]
  • She suffers of a form of hemophobia, the fear of blood.[2]

