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Arrowverse Wiki

<img data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22double-brackets%22%2C%22lineStart%22%3A%22%22%2C%22title%22%3A%22Character%22%2C%22placeholder%22%3A1%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%7B%7BCharacter%7Cshow%20%3D%20The%20Flash%7Cname%20%3D%20Farooq%20Gibran%7Calterego%20%3D%20Blackout%7Cstatus%20%3D%20Deceased%7Cactor%20%3D%20Michael%20Reventar%7D%7D%22%7D" data-rte-instance="250551-99587349547635495cc5d" class="placeholder placeholder-double-brackets" src="%3D%3D" type="double-brackets" /> Farooq Gibran was a <a data-rte-meta="" data-rte-instance="250551-99587349547635495cc5d"  class="text" href="">metahuman</a> given the name Blackout by <a data-rte-meta="" data-rte-instance="250551-99587349547635495cc5d"  class="text" href="">Cisco Ramon</a>. His remains are currently housed in the metahuman prison located beneath <a data-rte-meta="" data-rte-instance="250551-99587349547635495cc5d"  class="text" href="">S.T.A.R. Labs</a>.


Though Farooq and his friends had intended to see the launch of the particle accelerator in person, the three started drinking and missed the start of the event altogether. Instead, they ended up by a power plant, where Farooq climbed almost to the top of a tower. From his viewpoint, he witnessed the explosion of the accelerator, and was struck by the energy it emitted as he attempted to climb down to safety. His friends tried to revive him with CPR, but the energy had mutated his DNA and given him the ability to drain electrical energy from those around him; when he awoke, both of his friends were dead, killed by his new powers.

Ten months later, Farooq reappeared and made his presence known by siphoning off of the city's power grid. When confronted by the <a data-rte-meta="" data-rte-instance="250551-99587349547635495cc5d"  class="text" href="">Flash</a>, Farooq attacks the costumed hero, feeding off of the electricity created by the Flash's speed and temporarily rendering him powerless.

