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The Freeland Police Department is the police department of Freeland.


During the invasion of the Markovians, they were seen fighting alongside The Freeland Resistance.[1]

A year after the War for Freeland, two police officers harassed a young, Black male citizen assuming that he was carrying drugs. Jefferson Pierce happened upon the incident and noticed how rough the officers were handling the lad; Jefferson distracted the policemen, allowing the boy to escape. and after that they pointed their guns at him even though he wasn't armed In anger, Jefferson used his powers against the cops in self defense knocking them unconscious; however, Jefferson didn't regret his choice because it was in self defense but realizing the police might not believe him and that he'd blow his identity, he altered the cops' memories and disabled most of the cameras in the area.

Following Chief Henderson's death during the War for Freeland, Ana Lopez became his successor. She investigated Jefferson Pierce with Detective Hassan Shakur concerning an attack on some police officers. After questioning him at Garfield High School, they concluded that he was lying. They later questioned a boy who was hospitalized by Black Lightning, surprised that the vigilante had actually attacked him needlessly.[2]

Lauren Carusohelped to create the Direct Energy Gun (DEG) for the Freeland Police Department.[3]

Known members[]

Current members[]

  • Deputy Chief Wesley Robinson
  • Detective Hassan Shakur
  • Officer Mancini
  • Officer Jones
  • Specialist Cabrera

Former members[]


Black Lightning []

