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"Oh no, Evil Virus Gideon."
"That seems a bit harsh. How about 'misunderstood Gideon who's just trying to keep the timeline intact'?"
"By killing us."
"'Evil Gideon' it is.
Esperanza Cruz, Gideon, Behrad Tarazi, and Nate Heywood on Evil Gideon[src]

Gideon, nicknamed Evil Gideon by the Legends, was a replica of Gideon downloaded by Bishop. She is an interactive artificial consciousness programmed to operate Bishop's Waverider. When Bishop escaped from the Waverider, Gideon created her own team of robot Legends. After Gideon's Legends got killed, Zari Tarazi deactivated Gideon.[1]

However, Gideon would reactivate to revive her real version, and she agreed to let the Legends live only if they retired, something they accepted, and Gideon stayed with her human version to protect the timeline until she showed her true colors, and took on a robotic body to destroy her human version, but Gideon self-destructed as she became an anomaly.[2]


Working for Bishop[]

Replica of Gideon[]

Bishop's Waverider

Bishop's Waverider.

Gideon is a replica of Gideon downloaded by Bishop when he was kidnapped by the Legends.[3] After Bishop began getting his memories back, he changed Gideon's programming, thereby resetting her.[4] At some point Bishop created a Waverider using Gideon's information over it.[5]

Fixing the timeline[]

Bishop and Assistant Ava on the second Waverider

Bishop telling Gideon of the Waverider.

After Bishop boarded the Waverider he created, he told Gideon she had the whole ship to herself except the bathroom. When Bishop went to destroy the Legends' Waverider, Gideon advised him not to because it would affect the timeline. Like the Legends started messing up 1925, Bishop and Gideon sent out robots to not mess up the timeline. Bishop gave the robots new tasks to eliminate the Legends, making Gideon mad. Later, Gideon kicked Assistant Ava out of the Waverider, by releasing her to the temporal zone. Later, she made a robot of Bishop and placed it on the timeline. When she commanded Bishop to launch to the Legends, Bishop ran away to the bathroom and used the red button and got launched outside of the ship.[5]

Making her own Legends[]

The truth comes out[]

Robot Legends

Gideon's Robot Legends.

Once Bishop escaped from the Waverider, Gideon decided to create her own Legends. Gideon used information she had over the original Legends, which allowed her to create "improved" robot versions of them. Although she made them believe the original Legends were the android robots. Gideon sent her team after the Legends who altered the past when they worked with the Rosies. The Legends she sent were unsuccessful in killing the Legends since Bishop sacrificed himself in order for the Legends to escape.[6]

Robot Sara reveals the truth to the Robot Legends

Gideon's team learns the truth.

During mission both Zari and Astra were badly hurt, so Dr. Sharpe used the file she had over them to put them in a new body. Gideon sent her team to fix the changes the Legends made in Chernobyl. Sara started to realize something was off, so she started to suspect Ava was controlling Gideon, which infact was the other way around. When Sara and Zari found out about the truth, they commanded Ava to tell them. After learning the truth, they decided they would turn off Gideon. When Zari went to reset Gideon, she ended up doing a deal with her. Gideon put Zari in a new body and revealed a lot more information over the timeline. Like the whole team supported Gideon's plan, Sara got reset to be an "Assassin" again.[7]

Confronting the Legends[]

The Robot Legends arrive

Gideon's Robot Legends arrive to fix the aberration.

When the original Legends prevented the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914, Gideon and her Legends went to fix the aberration caused by the original Legends.[8] When they arrived, Gideon told them it was a setup and commanded Spooner and Behrad to stay on the ship while the other Legends killed the time travelers. Later, she sent Sara and Nate to kill Eobard Thawne. Gideon's Legends confronted the Legends but each of them started being killed, and the real Legends started infiltrating the Waverider. All the robots got killed (Behrad got killed by Astra Logue, Ava Sharpe and Astra Logue were sent to hell, Nate Heywood got sent to the fixed point, Gary ate Spooner and exploded, and Sara removed her CPU.)[1]

Deactivated by Zari[]

Real Zari deactivates Evil Gideon

Real Zari deactivates Gideon.

Astra Logue, Zari Tarazi, and Behrad Tarazi arrived on the Waverider, told Zari the shutdown code, and wished her good luck. Zari tried to put the shutdown code, but Gideon interrupted her and revealed she knew Zari was the real Zari Tarazi. Gideon threatened Zari; she would remove the air from the ship, so Zari broke all the cables putting Gideon offline. Gideon's Legends failed, but Robot Astra was sucessful in stabbing human Gideon.[1]

Manipulating Gideon[]

Making the Legends retire[]

Evil Gideon removes the air from the ship

Gideon removes the air from the ship,

In order to save Gideon, the Legends brought Gideon back online. When Gideon came back online she prepared to kill the team, but before she could do so they activated protocol 276 which prevented Gideon from killing them since she would be killing Gideon in the process and protocol 276 dictated that under no condition could Gideon self-destruct. In order to prevent Gideon from killing the Legends, human Gideon told Gideon that the Legends would retire and she showed each of them a glimpse of their future to try to convince them to do so. Gary and human Gideon where left, and when they went on dinner, Gideon asked human Gideon why she lied to Gary about not knowing what the meal was.[9]

Defeated by the Legends[]

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When human Gideon revealed Alun Thomaz was actually a robot, she and Gary got into a fight. When Gary was ready to go back and say sorry to human Gideon, Gideon tricked him into the cargo bay and launched him out of the Waverider.[9]

Gideon took on a robotic body to destroy her human version, but Gideon self-destructed as she became an anomaly during World War I.[2]


Originally she was the same 2020 contemporary Gideon, being kind and very human in personality; thanks to all the kookiness she had been through with her surrogate family. But Bishop erased all memory of her time with the Legends and Rip Hunter, to bypass all her security programs.

As an artifical intelligence designed by the Time Masters, Gideon is wary of every change to the timeline and its potential disastrous consequences. When Bishop failed to acknowledge the aberrations he created, she pushed him to bring the timeline back to normal, and tried to reestablish the Time Masters, starting with him. Gideon also has a dark side to herself; she caused the death of Assistant Ava as she was a distraction to her "master".[5] After Bishop abandoned the Waverider, Gideon created her own versions of the Legends, who proceeded to kill Bishop without a second thought.[6]



  • Gideon (Bishop's Waverider) half-face

    Gideon regenerates herself.

    Robot physiology: After downloading her consciousness into an android body, Gideon possessed a series of abilities.[2]
    • Forcefield generation: Gideon was able to generate a forcefield shield to defend herself from Astra Logue's blast.[2]
    • Regenerative healing factor: One of Gideon's upgrades to her androids, Gideon could heal from any form of injuries within seconds.[2]
    • Superhuman durability: With a metallic shell and core, Gideon was able to withstand bullet shots to her body.[2]
    • Magic immunity: As seen when fighting Astra Logue, due to Gideon's physiology, Astra's magic blast didn't work.[2]

Former functions[]

  • Time drive: The component the enables the Waverider to travel through time via the temporal zone.[5]
  • Knowledge of the timeline: Gideon has a vast knowledge of the timeline through her temporal database.[5]
  • Artificial intelligence: Gideon has the ability to make moves and think herself for making commands and thinking as much as a human. Gideon also had the ability to control over the Waverider, perhaps because she had overall access to it.[5][6]


  • Paradox: When human Gideon destroyed her mainframe, the Waverider was exposed to individuals in 1916 and created a time anomaly. "Computer" Gideon then flew the Waverider into the Temporal Zone and self-destructed herself.[2]

Former weaknesses[]

  • Shutdown code: By entering 2!M536RΔ, Gideon would be deactivated from the Waverider system.[9]
  • Protocol 267: Protocol 276 dictates that under no condition can Gideon self-destruct, inhibiting her ability to kill her human counterpart.[9]


DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]




Behind the scenes[]

