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Arrowverse Wiki
For his Earth-1 equivalent, see Harrison Wells (Earth-1).

"You don't have to like me, i don't like you, but you have to work with me, to stop Zoom and Doctor Light. Can you do that?"
—Harrison Well's to Cisco Ramon about Trust[src]

Dr. Harrison Wells is the founder of S.T.A.R. Labs on Earth-2.


In 1991, Harrison founded S.T.A.R. Labs.[1]

Some years later Harrison happened upon a tour group of children walking through S.T.A.R. Laboratories and greeted them.[1] Somehow he found his way through a breach between Earth-2 and Earth-1, underneath Earth-1's S.T.A.R. Labs.[2] Wells lurked around S.T.A.R. Labs for sometime watching Cisco Ramon in his efforts to save Martin Stein, then made his way to Mercury Labs. As he stole a prototype weapon from the Applied Sciences Division he set off the alarms but managed to evade the guards but was spotted by Tina McGee, an old friend of Harrison's late Earth-1 counterpart, who mistook him for the murderer using Earth-1 Wells' appearance.

He later arrived in time to use the gun he stole on "Man-shark", a metahuman sent by "Zoom", and knocked him out as he was attacking The Flash and Patty Spivot. As he walked away Flash chased after him and demanded to know who he was and Harrison pulled his hood off, revealing his identity to him. [3]

Harrison meet Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow in the cortex of star labs and read the bibliography of the Earth-1 Harrison wells. Barry introduced cisco and Caitlin to Harrison and they explained how he was not a doppelganger of the Harrison wells they knew, but the real Harrison wells, not Eobard Thawne. Well’s quickly explained how he had nothing to do with Barry’s mother murder, but his own man. He hands Catlin her purse that Martin Stein threw into the breach, and Caitlin requests that she does test on him, while her reminds her that he will be identical the his Earth-1 counterpart, she still requests to do tests. Cisco is unsure to trust him and Barry says that he saved his life, but wants to know why, he explains he came to Earth-1 to help Barry stop Zoom. He notices that the 3 had heard of him before and Barry tells him that he has been sending Metahumans to kill him. Barry asks what he knows about Zoom, he says everything, that he created Zoom and that he has been ignoring them coming into Earth-1 for too long, and he is now willing to help. He goes on to say that Zoom is obsessed with speed, and wants to be the only speedster in the entire multiverse, and will keep sending metahumans to kill the flash. Joe West walks in and shoots 3 bullets to well’s chest, which Barry stops. Joe questions how he is alive. Joe and Barry leave and Caitlin follows in order to find Jay Garrick. Later, after first confronting Doctor Light, Harrison gives them a run down on who doctor light is, a bank robber with the power to absorb power from star light. They note that Zoom obvisly sent her to Earth-1 and wells says that they can now use that to their advantage, that they can capture Doctor Light, and use her to lure Zoom to S.T.A.R Labs. Garrick and Snow walk in and jay says that they will never do that. Harrison is not surprised to find jay here, and jay says that he lost his speed, then got pulled in by the singularity. He says that Zoom is getting more powerful and that he must be defeated while he can, which Jay refuses to do, and says that he can reason with Doctor Light, which Harrison disagrees with. Cisco later walks in on Harrison working in his work station, playing loud music, which he is mad about. They talk about Earth-1 Harrison wells and say that he did bad things. Cisco says he killed him, but Barry erased the timeline it happened in. Wells say he has to work with him to stop Zoom and Doctor Light. After Barry is blinded Harrison guesses that the effect will last 6.25 hours, though the effect could have been avoided if he directly fought her. Barry mentions that she is the Earth-2 equivalent of his ex-girlfriend, Linda Park. Wells says that Zoom intently brought her in order to make him hesitate. Barry worries that she will kill Earth-1 Linda Park. Harrison says to protect Linda. Jay and Caitlin leave as Joe andIris West walk in, Iris stands in shock, and wells guesses that Earth-1 Wells did something to her. Cisco says that he was the reason her boyfriend died, and he leaves. Later after Doctor light attempts to kill her doppelganger, Jay apologises, saying that he thought they could reason with her. Wells screams that they cannot reason with somebody under Zooms influence, and a man died because of him. He believe Barry can stop Zoom and Doctor Light, but not with Garrick because he Garrick fears Zoom. Jay says he hunted zoom for 2 years. Wells says Zoom hunted him and that Garrick was to cowardly to fight Zoom. After calling him a coward, a brief fight breaks out between Jay and Harrison. Barry breaks it up and separates to 2 into different rooms. Harrison says that Barry is faster than Jay will ever be, and should not be instructed by him. He then repeats his plan to capture Doctor light. They get the mask that Iris shot off Linda and knows how to track Light using the mask. He revels to the team that he knows Cisco has powers. And uses his Metahuman detecting Watch to prove so. Cisco attempts to tough the mask but fails to reach Doctor Light. Wells Grabs it and pushes it into his stomach and gets a vision of where she is. After Barry gets to her, Harrison revels his plan. To use a Speed Mirage and distract her. Which Barry succeeds on his 2nd try. After putting her in the pipeline, Iris thanks him for stopping Doctor Light. Barry accepts his plan but Jay refuses to participate. Later When Barry, Cisco and Caitlin are having coffee, Harrison looks and them outside the window.


Unlike Eobard, Harrison is very blunt and inconsiderate with his choice of words, even talking about how Eobard kill Barry's mother in a casual and sarcastic manner and even straight up telling Cisco he doesn't like him. Albeit, because Cisco was having trouble getting along with Harrison due to the fact Eobard killed him in an alternate timeline.


The Flash

Season 2

