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The Inception device is a device created by Lena Luthor after studying Malefic and his inception ability.


Lena Luthor loaned this device to Andrew Rojas during their short collaboration while she distracted Supergirl, the device when it was placed on the wall incepted all agents at the D.E.O. with a single thought, " Non-Nocere" do no harm. The only exceptions were director Danvers as she was in a storage room retrieving an old piece of Cadmus technology and possibly brainiac 5 if his legion ring that grants him telepathic immunity was not off at the time.


  • Thought inception: Through the means of Q-waves, It can incept a single thought in the surrounding area for example Lena programmed it to incept Non-Nocere in the minds of everyone in the DEO to incapacitate them all. when activated the effected eyes glow green.
  • Remote control: Lena mentioned that she would control it from her penthouse.



Season 5[]


  • Lena created it after studying Malefic J'onzz brain and his specific Q-wave Frequency.
  • It's possible it was a prototype for a large scale inception device for Project Non-nocere.