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Arrowverse Wiki

Intergang is a criminal organization on Earth-Prime.


Bruno Mannheim began leading Intergang, where they had ties to Cyprus Holdings.

In mid-2020, Mannheim had Intergang use Van Kull Prison's alien convicts to steal materials to create dirty bombs while in collaboration with Warden Wyatt Kote. After doing so, Intergang prepared to move the convicts back before the Superfriends arrived and defeated them, rescuing the convicts. Warden Kote and those involved were arrested.[1]

Known members[]

Former members[]

Known allies[]

Former allies[]



Season 6[]

Behind the scenes[]

  • In the DC comics, Intergang is a world-wide crime syndicate connected to Apokolips, led by Bruno Mannheim and Morgan Edge, ultimately controlled by Darkseid.
  • Intergang's first live action appearance was in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.
    • Interestingly enough, this version of Intergang also had dealings with many of Lex Luthor's employees.

