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Arrowverse Wiki
For other characters with the same first name, see John (disambiguation).

"Call me Jack."
—John F. Kennedy to Nate Heywood[src]

John F. "Jack" Kennedy (died 1963) was a President of the United States.


Original multiverse[]

At some point, John wrote "Profiles in Courage".[1]

At some point in time before 1963, John was elected President of the United States.[2]

Sometime prior to his death, President Kennedy assembled the Green Berets, who he described as a "symbol of excellence, a badge of courage".[3]

In 1963 Vandal Savage was present in the crowds in Dallas the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, implying he possibly had a role in his death.[2]

New multiverse[]

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"JFK delivered a masterclass in diplomacy during the Cuban Missile Crisis. How do I know this? Because I wrote my doctoral thesis on it."
Nate Heywood to Ava Sharpe[src]
  • Diplomacy:



Season 4[]

DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]

Season 3[]

Season 6[]

Behind the scenes[]

  • In the real world, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States from 1961 until his assassination in 1963.

