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Arrowverse Wiki

An unnamed woman was the mother of the late Kal-El and the late Tal-Rho.


At some point, the woman gave birth to Kal-El and Tal-Rho, who were then both sent to Earth. An A.I. hologram of the woman is stored in Kal-El's fortress on Earth.

When her son Kal-El's Earth-TUD25 counterpart arrived in the fortress, the woman's A.I. asked him if her son sent him here, to which he replied "not exactly." She then inquired about Ally Allston's pendant and whether her son destroyed it or not. Superman then replied that he tried, to which she responded that she tried to tell him that it was impossible to destroy. She then warned Superman that humans could not co-exist with merged individuals, but was cut off by Jonathan-El flying into the fortress.[1]


Superman & Lois[]

Season 2[]

