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Arrowverse Wiki

Kerry Wexler is the Govenor of Kansas.


Kerry Wexler is a successful businesswoman; who ran for public office and became the governor of Kansas. Wexler's husband cheated on her; with a younger woman. She left her husband and defined herself as a strong single mother. During Wexler's first campaign for governor, she had a difficult time securing any prominent political endorsements. Her biggest supporter was Diamond Dave Carlson a rancher from Belleville; who was revealed to be illegally selling magic mushrooms to students from K-State.[1]

Wexler visited Smallville to inspect the damage to local Main Street businesses. She quickly became impressed; with Lana Lang for being a strong community leader and successful single mother. Later Wexler had to begin to distance herself from Lang; due to her connection to Smallville Gazette reporter, Chrissy Beppo and her daughter, Sarah Cortez's DUI arrest.[1]


Superman & Lois[]

Season 3[]

Behind the scenes[]

