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Arrowverse Wiki

The Leviathan ship was the headquarters and primary site for the organization in National City. It is buried under the HQ's building.


Leviathan charge their weapons with kryptonite

Leviathan charge their weapons with Kryptonite.

Thousands of years ago, after the destruction of Jarhanpur, the Jarhanpurians came to Earth and made this hideout their headquarters.

As Rama Khan played solitaire, Gamemnae approached him with a briefcase and showed him its contents.[1]

Gamemnae asked Rama Khan to lower the shields that protect Jarhanpurians from other life forms in anticipation for the arrival of Lex Luthor; however, the Elder countermanded the order, unbeknownst to Gamemnae, so when she and Lex arrived, Lex was paralyzed with pain, causing Gamemnae to give Lex a lapel that guarded him from the special radiation. Tezumak, Sela, and Rama Khan loaded rings with Kryptonite.

Brainy bottles Leviathan

Jarhanpurians bottled by Querl Dox.

Later, Querl Dox infiltrated the headquarters and coupled Coluan shrinking technology with the place's teleporter. The radiation was crippling but Brainy proceeded nonetheless, and stayed hidden as the Jarhanpurians teleported in and out as they battled the Superfriends. Ultimately, Rama Khan, Sela, and Tezumak were forcibly teleported and bottled by Brainy, but Lex arrived as Brainy laid dying and took the container.[2]

Shortly afterwards, it was destroyed in Gamemnae's rampage and destruction once the Anti-life equation killed her.[3]

Known individuals[]

Known inhabitants[]




Season 5[]

Season 6[]

