Arrowverse Wiki

Markovia is a country that is home to the Markovians, with its capital being Markovburg. It is governed by the Markov family.


At some point during the Cold War, the United States funded Markovia's scientific operations to take advantage of the country's legality towards human experimentation. For the next several decades, Markovia became known for housing various meta-humans for experimentation as well as being invasive and ruthless in their exploits. In the early-1980s, Markovia's ruling party was forcibly removed by Tyson Sykes, who rebelled against them and chased the stationed United States operatives out of the country.[1]

By modern day, this escalation drew the attention of the A.S.A. once their colonel, Yuri Mosin, invaded Freeland in order to abduct meta-human children. After abducting Lynn Stewart in order to create a meta-human serum, the A.S.A. asked for the aid of Black Lightning, forming a team to infiltrate Markovia in order to both save Lynn and stop the invasion.[2]

After he was injected with the meta booster, Tyson Sykes used telekinesis to kill Colonel Mosin,[1] before assembling an army of troopers to invade Freeland again.[3]

Known individuals[]

Known residents[]

Current residents[]

  • Michael Allen
  • Michael Allen's mother
  • 1,264,320 other individuals

Former residents[]


Known locations[]


Black Lightning[]

The Flash[]

Season 6[]


  • Markovia has a population of 1,264,320 people.[2]
  • According to Gravedigger, there are 94 meta-humans in Markovia.
  • Markovia has a GDP per capita of $142,852, which would make it one of the most affluent small nations on Earth at the time.

Behind the scenes[]

  • In the DC comics, Markovia was home to Brion Markov, a superhero with geo-kinesis abilities and its future king as well as his sister Tara.
  • The borders of Markovia's landmass appear to resemble the Luxembourg province of Belgium, mixed with a small section of the Namur province.[2] Notably, Markovia is commonly interpreted as being between Belgium, Luxembourg and France in the comics and other media.
  • According to Cisco Ramon's map of Earth, Markovia is located north of the Caspian Sea, likely in the position of Russia in Europe.[4]

