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Arrowverse Wiki

"I was born into the Reich. The whole world is the Fatherland."
Tommy Merlyn[src]

The New Reich, known to its denizens as The Fatherland, was the ruling government of Earth in the Earth-X universe. It was established by Führer Hitler after the end of World War II, when the Nazi government secured effective control over the planet. When the New Reich launched an assault against Earth One all leaders lost their lives, only the Reverse Flash survived, deserting and fleeing when the defeat became inevitable.


The New Reich was established Führer Hitler after the end of World War II, when the Nazi government secured effective control over the planet. He spread the outposts of Schutzstaffel all over Europe and Americas, and turned sympathetic presidents and prime ministers into his puppets, holding brutal control over the planet until his death in 1994. Eventually, Hitler was succeeded as der Führer by SS General Oliver, who was a de-facto co-leader with his wife, SS General Kara/Overgirl.[1]



Former members



Season 3


Season 6

The Flash

Season 4

DC's Legends of Tomorrow

Season 3

Freedom Fighters: The Ray

  • Episode 1
  • Episode 2
  • Episode 4
  • Episode 6


Eobard meets Darhk

A flag used by the Navy of Nazi Germany, the colors of which were inverted in the New Reich flag.

  • Interestingly, the flag of the New Reich uses inverted colors from the flags of Nazi Germany. Nevertheless, the classic Nazi insignias are also in use by the New Reich, such as the insignias on Wellenreiter.

