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"There's good in the worst of us, and evil... in the best of us. When we know this, we're less able to hate... our enemies."
—Odell quoting Martin Luther King[src]

Agent Odell is a dedicated A.S.A. agent who oversaw the continuation of Martin Proctor's rogue operation.


Original multiverse[]

Early life[]

At some point, Odell marched with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during the civil rights movement.

Working for A.S.A.[]

Agent Odell interviewed Lynn Stewart about how she obtained the stasis pods containing the Meta-human children from the rogue A.S.A. operation overseen by Martin Proctor. Lynn claimed that she received an anonymous phone call to claim the pods due to her studies on Green Light. Odell did not believe her and revoked her access to the pods. Lynn later used Peter Gambi's influence to get her access reinstated, which Odell was not happy with.[1]

Agent Odell instructed Lynn Stewart to work with their latest acquisition; Issa Williams. Lynn was shocked that they were treating him like a terrorist, but Odell told her that dealing with these issues was a part of the job she wanted. After Lynn had studied Issa and determined that the artificial meta-gene will eventually kill Issa without a cure, she offered him the choice to go into a stasis pod. Issa ultimately refused. Agent Odell questioned Lynn over whether allowing Issa to leave the A.S.A. was the right move. Lynn defended her decision as a chance to study the effects of Green Light in the field. Odell was more hopeful that if Issa's powers could be controlled and contained, he would be a valuable asset.[2]

Agent Odell informed Lynn Stewart that they were actively seeking to recruit Dr. Helga Jace to their program since she was the leading computational chemist in the United States and an expert in protein synthesis simulations. Lynn argued against the move, wanting Odell to bring government resources to convince other scientists instead because Jace was insane and her work had killed her test subjects. Lynn accused Odell of sabotaging her efforts with the move, but Odell told her that if he wanted Lynn to fail, she already would have. Reminding her that any deaths were on Lynn since she had essentially stolen the job, Odell arranged a meeting with Jace so that Lynn could convince her to join the project. When the meeting was conducted, Odell oversaw the interview.[3]

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Anti-Monitor Crisis[]

During the Anti-Monitor Crisis, Odell as well as everyone in the multiverse except for the seven Paragons, was killed in an antimatter wave by the Anti-Monitor on December 10, 2019,[4] only to be restored a month later, after the Paragons and the Spectre created a new universe.[5]

New multiverse[]

Odell was born in Gotham City.[6] At some point, Odell had a daughter named Maya.[7]

Odell tricked Lynn Stewart into taking the drug Glimmer.[8]

Saving Lynn Stewart[]

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War for Freeland[]

Odell, with Sara Grey, listened as Jefferson Pierce debriefed about how his team invaded Markovia and escaped with Lynn Stewart and Helga Jace; Odell was surprised they retrieved Jace and wanted to see her. Odell promised that he would erase all files that A.S.A. had on the team. When Jefferson tells him that the leader of his opposition was an American meta-human calling himself Gravedigger, Odell, coldly without giving eye contact, says that that name is unfamiliar to him.[8]

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One year later[]

Odell freed and speaking to his daughter

Odell speaking to his daughter from a holographic monitor.

Odell, apparently out of prison or cleared of criminal charges, received a video call from his daughter Maya where she updated him on her latest endeavor. It is very evident that he is in poorer health and his mobility had worsened, as a result of Khalil shooting him in the spleen last year; as he is now in a wheelchair and uses a nasal tube to help him breathe.[7]


Odell is no-nonsense, blunt, cold, and detached. When handling business he will go through any means necessary to get the job done, even at the risk of possible casualties. He has no qualms of putting people, especially meta-humans, out on the front and commonly displays signs of sociopathic tendencies. He showed no emotion when he put Wendy Hernandez through an experience that almost killed her and claimed meta-humans would be better off dead than in the hands of Markovians.

While keeping the Pierce family separated, he manipulated most of them into serving him for different purposes, notably, he got Lynn addicted to Green Light while she was working for him and groomed Jennifer Pierce as an asset for the A.S.A., tricking her into carrying out assassinations against the Markovians and using her love for Khalil to illicit her willingness to work for him. He went as far as giving her an advanced replica of her original Lightning suit and allowing her to get revenge against some A.S.A. agents who beat Jefferson in the street. When there was a possibility of her turning on him, he had her drugged and abducted alongside her friend with an intention of controlling her.

Odell shows notably bitterness towards a man like Tobias Whale for having access to an anti-aging serum; he sourly noted that unlike Tobias, Odell had to swallow a lot of pills just to function properly.


  • High-level intellect/Military training/Expert tactician/Leader/Intimidation: Odell is a highly intelligent individual, an excellent tactician and leader.
  • Network: Odell has connections with several military organizations.
  • Skilled Marksman: Odell is shown being able to use a firearm.


Black Lightning[]

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Behind the scenes[]

