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Raya Van Zandt used a meta-tech fob that was infused with dark matter as her primary weapon, and gained powers similar to those of meta-humans.


At some point, Raya acquired a meta-tech fob that gave her the ability to manipulate cars. She used it to became a criminal and helped Joslyn Jackam escape CCPD custody, persuading her to join the new Rogues and steal a Wayne Tech car in A.R.G.U.S.' possession, but she was defeated by Team Flash and escaped.[1]



  • Vehicle manipulation: By clicking the fob, Raya can control (seemingly) any vehicle. She can activate any automated function such as door locks, open roofs and police sirens.[1]
  • Meta-human ability disruption: The dark matter charge of vehicles under her control react violently to any direct contact with metahumans as they use their abilities. The Flash's attempt to phase through the car not only generated a shockwave that knocked him back but rendered his phasing out of his control, activating erratically for the rest of a day.[1]
  • Intangibility: The fob has a function that turns cars intangible for a split second, allowing it to quickly phase through walls.[1]
  • Invisibility: The fob has a function that turns cars invisible.[1]
  • Missile generation: The fob activated short-range missiles inside a car.[1]


The Flash[]

Season 5[]

