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"They call me 'Sonny' on account of my sunny disposition."
—Sonny to the Council of Harrisons[src]

Harrison "Sonny" Wells was a resident of Earth-24. He was a member of the Council of Harrisons and a former member of the Council of Wells.


Sonny was a member of the Council of Wells, before being kicked out. He soon joined the Council of Harrisons. Meeting the other members, he greeted them by explaining his nickname and quoting his motto. Agreeing to help with Harry Wells' dwindling intelligence, they attempted to get him to open up. This eventually led to the realization that Team Flash needed to attack their problem of DeVoe from an emotional perspective. Sonny reassured Harry that he was unbelievable, before leaving.[1]

After the Crisis, he was relocated to Harrison Nash Wells' mind. He was the only Wells that Nash liked.[2] Sonny was eventually killed along with all the other Wells doppelgängers when Nash sacrificed himself to power the artificial Speed Force.[3]


"Be kind. Rewind."
—Sonny's motto[src]

Sonny is an inherently positive person, claiming his nickname to be a result of his "sunny disposition". While carrying himself with a rather smug demeanor, he believes in being kind to others, using a motto in regards to this.[1]


  • Genius-level intellect: Sonny was invited to the Council of Wells due to his vast intellect. Although he was released from this organization, he was considered emotionally astute enough to join the Council of Harrisons.


The Flash[]

Season 4[]

Season 6[]

The Chronicles of Cisco[]


  • Sonny's motto comes from old policy stickers on VHS tapes (be kind, please rewind) from video rental places (before the invention of DVD made rewinding film moot).
  • His mannerism is modeled from actor Andrew Dice Clay.
  • Sonny was only referred to as "New York City Wells" in "The Exorcism of Nash Wells", but Sterling Gates, one of the writers of the episode, confirmed that this was indeed a reference to Sonny.[4]

