Arrowverse Wiki
For another mystical object of Horus, see Orb of Horus.

The Staff of Horus is a mystical Egyptian relic that was entombed in a church in Central City. It consists of the Nth metal and has been used as a weapon by Vandal Savage. It was later revealed that the Nth metal in the weapon is Thanagarian technology.


4000 years ago, the staff belonged to Vandal Savage who, at the time, was an ancient Egyptian priest known as Hath-Set. He used the staff to fend off Rip Hunter, who he would call “Gareeb”, when Rip tried to kill him in ancient Egypt.[1] When Nth metal meteors later fell onto the Egyptian Kingdom, many objects present became imbued with the Nth metal giving the objects supernatural powers, including the staff.[2]

At some point, the Staff of Horus was placed with St. Mark.

Realizing he was outmatched after facing off against the Green Arrow and the Flash in Star City, Savage returned to Central City to find the Staff of Horus. He discovered the staff before the Flash and Green Arrow arrive to stop him. Utilizing the staff, Savage was able to keep both heroes at bay. Acknowledging them as worthy opponents, Savage was about to utilize the staff's full power when he sensed Kendra Saunders awakening her past lives. Regaining his bearings, he used the staff to destroy St. Mark, though the Flash and Green Arrow managed to escape.[3]

"Ra's al Ghul" organized a meeting with Savage along with Green Arrow and The Flash. Savage demanded the surrender of Carter Hall and Kendra Saunders, or he would destroy both Star City and Central City with the staff. The two heroes seemingly agreed.

During the exchange, Green Arrow suddenly turned on Savage and attacked. Savage incapacitated Green Arrow and killed Carter with his knives. He then killed Kendra, who was unable to use her powers. The Flash tried to use his staff against him but Savage used his magic and used the staff to kill Green Arrow and incinerate the city with everyone in it. However, The Flash escaped and used time travel to go back a day and come up with a better plan.

Having the exchange again, Team Arrow and Team Flash learned from the alternate future failure. They handed him Carter and Kendra. However, before Savage could kill them, Green Arrow shot off their restraints. Kendra and Carter attacked Savage with Team Arrow's help. They managed to stall Vandal long enough for the Flash to take the Staff of Horus. The Flash and Green Arrow used a pair of Nth metal gauntlets designed by Cisco Ramon to channel the power of the Staff of Horus, using it to incinerate Savage and reduce him to a pile of ashes, which also caused the Staff to disappear.[2]


  • Invulnerability: As the staff is made of Nth metal, it is indestructible and cannot be destroyed by anything or anyone apart from antimatter.
  • Energy projection: The Staff of Horus can produce extremely powerful blasts of blue energy, which could burn and even incinerate its targets, no matter what their size is, as well as causing explosive force. Vandal Savage would strike the ground with the end of the staff to project large blasts and waves of blue energy, which grow to the size of a metropolis, burning to ashes every human in its path while leveling the city in explosive force. The weapon had an energy field that physically kept those who were not irradiated by the Nth metal from even touching the staff, sending those who tried flying through the air. Specialized gauntlets were made by Cisco Ramon to render this protection useless but without the Nth metal, the gauntlets were ineffective; while the user could touch the staff and even fire its energy, its energy aura was harmful to them and forced the user to release the staff before it could kill them. The Staff of Horus would even resist the user's ability to fire its energy, causing it to be unable to burn or harm what/who it was fired at. However, in the current timeline, Cisco altered the gauntlets by coating them with Nth metal, allowing the Flash and Green Arrow to wield the Staff of Horus and fire its energy without problems. This resulted in Savage's destruction during the revised version of his battle against the heroes. Despite this, the Staff of Horus' energy could not kill Savage, only turn him to ash, as his body was eventually reconstituted since Savage can only be permanently killed while immortal by Hawkman or Hawkgirl with Nth metal.


The Flash[]

Season 2[]


Season 4[]

DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]

Season 1[]


  • The Staff of Horus is extremely similar to the Sword of Tengu, a weapons that was exclusively used in the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Series. Both were ancient weapons that were partially created using alien technology, primarily used by supervillians who could wield them without being harmed by them (the Staff of Horus by Savage due to his exposure to Nth metal; the Sword of Tengu by the Shredder due to his exo-suit), could also be held by individuals wearing specialized gauntlets, were capable of generating powerfully destructive blasts, and were destroyed after superheroes had used them to defeat their enemies in battle.

