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TheDoctor230 TheDoctor230 25 January 2016

Eobard Thawne Alive?

What I am about to say might be a bit confusing as it is hard to say.

I have a theory that the Eobard Thawne (Harrison Wells) from season 1 is alive but there is more too it than that.

I believe that When Thawne told Barry his plan on erasing the Flash that he didn't realise that he isn't from an alternate timeline.

When Thawne discovered the Flash's identity, he travelled back in time to erase the Flash from existince, but he didn't know that Barry's mother had already been murdered (This is in the universe that Eobard was originally in) so in murdering Nora, Thawne created the future he tried to erase so he created the flash according to the timeline he knows. (If this was otherwise then in changing the past of his universe, he would changeā€¦

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